Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Trench Warfare in World War I

This short film by Claude Guilmain is very, very good. Through first hand accounts it gives a starkly realistic account of life in the trenches. How might you have handled such conditions? Can you even begin to imagine what it was like? For similar films, check out the following link:


Anonymous said...

I thought this was a very interesting video. I didn't think the letters were true. The men were brave not to tell their families how bad it was. The trenches looked bad to stay in. You can see how the style of fighting was different from the fights now. There isn't a lot of moving or trucks and tanks.

Anonymous said...

I think that that video very well describes the life of a soldier during the war. It is sad how many people gave there lives in that war.

Anonymous said...

Great video. I think what left the biggest impact on me were the footage of the disturbing dead bodies. Maker did a good job of portraying the deep depressing life of trench warfare. Very well put together- good movie overall- i'd give it a 4 and a half star.

- JCon 1st

Anonymous said...

I thought that was a good video. It really made you realize that at first everyone who went was scared, but then they all got used to the elements of war. If I were in that situation I would probably just do whatever I was told to do. It seemed like really bad conditions because there were always deaths so if you were there you would always have to wonder if you would be the next one to die. I don't know if I could handle always having that thought.

Anonymous said...

I think that this was an interesting video. It really shows how horrible life was in the trenches. The part that hit me the most was when they put the dead on the "ambulance" and how they had to stretch them out so that they would be able to stay on the stretcher.