Monday, May 4, 2009

Apollo 11 Lands on the Moon (July 20th, 1969)

The historic significance of this moment is clear. Still there were many who felt this was all part of a government hoax (more on this in another post). Can you imagine watching this on a TV in 1969? You might be able to understand how some viewers might have been skeptical given that this took place almost 40 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Harry Smith
What type of spaceshuttle did the Apollo 11 astronauts reach the moon?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why some people think that was filmed in a studio.

Anonymous said...

i think that there is no way that NASA faked the landing on the moon because there was not the technology to fake a thing like that.
Berkeley F.

Anonymous said...

Parts of it did seem fake. It might have been real footage mixed w/ some acting.

Stuart Period 1

Anonymous said...

Was that a real person walking because you could se right though him

Mr. Brown said...

The spacecraft was delivered into orbit by a Saturn V rocket. See great diagram at: There was also the command module called "Columbia" and the lunar module called "Eagle." That helps makes sense of the famous quotation: "The Eagle has landed."

Mr. Brown said...

Yes, that was indeed a REAL person (unless you remain unconvinced).

Anonymous said...

I think this is real but I can see how some people can be unconvinced with the confusing footage. My question is, how did they get the camera to stay still like that without it like falling or moving away.

Cole C.

Anonymous said...

That is really cool. I think its real. THere is no way to fake something like that. 1/5 of the world was watching

Anonymous said...

To me, i see no way how hollywood could pull off something like faking a moon landing, and why would they have the launching of the space ship if it was all a hoax. That would be a huge waste of money, and Im convinced that we had the technology to land on the moon.
Henry Fauls

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that NASA faked the landing. NASA started about 10 years before the landing and had billions of dollars to use in their research. The Eagle's technology was advanced for the time, but is nothing compared to the leaps we have made now.

Lea B.

Anonymous said...

I cant see why U.S. citizens thought the goverment faked the moon landing. The govermment was not corrupt enough to lie to the people like that on such an important achievement.

Henry A.

Anonymous said...

I can understand why people thought it was fake. I believe that it wasn't though. It could have been fake because the filming technology wasn't very great back then and some people didn't have TVs.