The following comes from the How Stuff Works website (link at
Was the Apollo 11 Moon Landing a Hoax?
Some skeptics still believe that the Apollo 11 lunar landing was simply a movie studio hoax staged by NASA. In 2001, the Fox television network aired a program that gave the hoax theory second wind.
Guests on the show suggested that NASA didn't have the technology to pull off a lunar landing in the late 1960s. They noted that the pictures of astronauts sent back from the moon didn't show stars in the sky. A NASA expert refuted this by explaining that the stars wouldn't have shown up on film because the foreground image (the astronauts' space suits) was so bright.
People who are still unconvinced by the overwhelming evidence of man's landing on the moon can visit the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., where samples of rocks taken from the moon's surface are on display.
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I don't think it was a hoax because as people you can not succeed being weightless on Earth and inthe video it appeared that they were wieghtless.
TAylor Robinson
3ch- I didn't know people thought the apollo landing on the moon was a hoax.
I still think that we landed on the moon, but even when the astronaut isn't in the picture there are still no stars. It kinda made me think about it a little more.
WW 3rd period
Why would NASA launch a rocket with the crew inside with witness's watching and then turn the whole thing into a movie hoax?
Conner- lots of great info but if there isn't gravity in space, how come when Neil Armstrong walks he jumps up he comes back down. that could be the reason that some don't believe it really happened.
i remeber a while ago i watched a mythbusters epsiode and they busted all of the myths, now im not basing my thoery of mythbusters but personaly i dont think it was. thats just my opinion they couldnt acheive zero gravity on earth
henry w
I never knew that people of the United States thought that the landing on the moon was a hoax. Actually, i just recieved a "Popular Mechanics" issue and the main article is about Apollo 11. Maybe I can learn some more about the controversy surrounding Apollo 11.
Saunders 1
Connor; I researched about your comment on how the moon doesn't have gravity, so how does Neal Armstrong fall when he jumps. You are correct, the moon does not have any gravity, but the moon does take i some of earth's gravity. The gravity on the moon is very small, but it is present and it is how the astronauts like Neal Armstrong fall back down to the moon.
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